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AuthorTopic : BOS is ready!
Joined 23/05/2005
Posts : 1582

Posted : Monday, 9 June 2008 - 19:51

hmmphh! swats fly from face. grumbble grumbble. who's making all that noise out there? dang salesmen always come calling when I'm hungover!

looks out doorway. ah geez it's just neb, he's been so quiet all this time while I'm getting drunk and now he won't stop making noise!

ok ok fine I'll clear out of the castle, it's all yours...can I go back to sleep now?

Joined 23/05/2005
Posts : 1582

Posted : Monday, 9 June 2008 - 20:19

I hear a far off echo coming from the southeast corner...sounds like...THE RED COATS ARE COMING THE REDCOATS ARE COMING!

is that paul revere reincarnated????

Nebuchadnezer DoC
Joined 9/06/2005
Posts : 3017

Posted : Monday, 9 June 2008 - 22:54

One of Neb's scouts comes rushing up to him, armor clanking, "Neb! Sir! The Rennos have exited the castle!"

Neb's face lights up with a smile of satisfaction. He stares at all his generals one by one, making sure he catches each of their eyes. "See men! Have faith in your leader! I always have a plan, even when times are tough! The Rennos have left their castle. The day belongs to our armies! Victory is ours!"

Shouts arise from the scouts, and archers, the balista and squires...it is a resounding chant of "Neb rules! Renno drools! Neb rules! Renno drools!"

Neb was ecstatic (although a little dumbfounded) that his plan worked...

"Nebulans! ATTACK!"

Joined 23/05/2005
Posts : 1582

Posted : Wednesday, 11 June 2008 - 19:49

I thought you were moving in yesterday? I was hoping you'd throw a party and bring some of that free beer you offered! I'm running a little low!

I even put some nebsicles in the freezer for you

Mog DoC
Joined 5/02/2004
Posts : 14359

Posted : Thursday, 12 June 2008 - 19:26

I think we can safely say that CoC has won this game, so the BoS guys can quit out now, I'll post it on the Clan History page and all. You guys played a great game, if possibly a bit on the scairdy-cat side, but good nonetheless. I hope next time you all can take out a castle before you lose so ignomiously. Good game!

Joined 22/08/2003
Posts : 1408

Posted : Thursday, 12 June 2008 - 21:52

Logic <> Mog.

Nebuchadnezer DoC
Joined 9/06/2005
Posts : 3017

Posted : Friday, 13 June 2008 - 10:15

Neb stood there in utter disbelief. His jaw slack and nearly hitting the ground, sword hanging limply in his hand, shield laying on the ground where it fell from his arm. All around him was chaos. "I did say 'Attack!', didn't I?" Neb thought to himself...

After giving his speech and ordering the attack, the chaos ensued. Scouts went racing off to the left. Scouts went racing off to the right. The only problem was that none of the scouts actually attacked...or were even in range to attack. What were they doing?!

Neb shook himself, "Generals! Why aren't they attacking!"

His general, who were playing cards nearby, looked up and reluctantly came over. "Neb, none of them want to get shelled by balista." "Rennos may have left the castle, but they are simply doing stretching excercises in the back yard."

Neb shook his head in disbelief. "Idiots! Why do I have to run this whole army myself?!!? Squires, to arms! Balista, load your missiles! Scouts, storm the walls!" Neb ran up and down the lines shouting orders...only to meet the uncertain eyes of his troops.

"What are you all...a bunch of Mogs?!? This is Renno! If he's not drunk, he's passed out! If he's not passed out, he's busy with is women...if you can call them that." The last thought sent a shiver down Neb's spine. Seeing no reaction, Neb sighed. "Fine! Rot here outside these walls waiting for Renno to surrender. I'll kill him myself."

With that Neb grab the nearest battering ram and started pushing. (good thing it was on a hill, or he wouldn't have gotten far.) As the ram picked up momentum, he jumped on and began whooping and hollering like Sage trying to hit a high note. Some snickered. Others hung their heads. Their leader had done some pretty stupid things in the past...yellow rain, paper airplanes...but this had to be the most embarrasing. Wait!

Now it was the army's turn to be shocked as Neb's rams smashed into one of Renno's exposed barracks. Neb was tossed from the rams as a flurry of stone and dust rose from the building. Disbelief soon turned to action. A catapault was deployed and fired at the ruined building, as balista and archers poured from the rubble. Scouts regrouped and began charging in. Squires were right behind the rams, ready to kill some archers. Balista fired at the newly deployed troops.

The Nebulans raised a cheer as the stalemate seemed to be broken. Meanwhile Neb was seen crawling from the dust. Most thought he was just trying to get some fresh air and recover. But those close enough could hear him mumbling..."macemen...he has macemen...we're doomed..."

Mog DoC
Joined 5/02/2004
Posts : 14359

Posted : Friday, 13 June 2008 - 14:14

Hey! I heard that!

Joined 23/05/2005
Posts : 1582

Posted : Saturday, 14 June 2008 - 16:51

make ya a deal neb...you vacate my castle peacefully and I won't detonate the nuke I burried under my castle floor.

Mog DoC
Joined 5/02/2004
Posts : 14359

Posted : Sunday, 15 June 2008 - 04:25

I was kidding about CoC having won, we are at best barely holding our own if not losing. It's been a tough, hard fought war with these guys, they don't miss much and keep the pressure on us at all times.

That being said, may the Brotherhood of Steel all get major roids and die. (Kidding!)

Joined 11/11/2003
Posts : 987

Posted : Sunday, 15 June 2008 - 04:38

awww... dag, just clicked on this last page to read whats up with the clan, and mog says COC's winning against BOS for once... wee! I think, 'bout time! then its all a LIE! how could you mog?! how could you take a simple thing like posting in the forums, and use it for evil?


Mog DoC
Joined 5/02/2004
Posts : 14359

Posted : Sunday, 15 June 2008 - 05:09

It was psyops, but it didn't turn out so good, so I apologize for misleading you. Since when did anyone take ANYthing I say seriously?

Crazy Li
Joined 4/09/2007
Posts : 1058

Posted : Sunday, 15 June 2008 - 14:07

I sure know I don't!

Joined 10/03/2005
Posts : 1068

Posted : Sunday, 15 June 2008 - 23:11

I honestly can't remember a better clan game.

I still don't know who is winning... This one is going to be a long hard fought thing.

Sage DoC
Joined 8/11/2002
Posts : 4070

Posted : Monday, 16 June 2008 - 00:52

I know who's not winning! Me!

Although supposedly the other members of CoC had a pool going as to how long I would survive, and I couldn't convince any of them that I was going to last even as long as 10 turns, let alone the fifteen I predicted...

Stop destroying my barracks, guys!

Crazy Li
Joined 4/09/2007
Posts : 1058

Posted : Monday, 16 June 2008 - 09:26

that's what you get for putting your focus into Iron Man songs instead of playing, Sage... :p

Nebuchadnezer DoC
Joined 9/06/2005
Posts : 3017

Posted : Monday, 16 June 2008 - 10:41

Shouts of joy were raised all around from the army of Neb. "It's over! We've won!" Troops were dropping their weapons everywhere and picking up flagons of beer left over from the previous Renno regime.

Neb stomped through the rubble furiously. "Generals! Why are the men drinking and not fighting? There is a war to finish!"

One smarmy general ran up to Neb holding a note, clearly written by Mog. "The war is over. CoC declares themselves the victors. BoS is a bunch of losers. We rule!"

"Neb, the victory is ours...Mog says so!" Beamed the general.

"'Mog says so.'" mocked Neb. "Rule #1: Never believe anything a Mog says...well, actually, Rule #1 is wear earplugs while Sage is singing, or was it never enter a beauty contest that Coopels is part of...well whatever. Men! The war is not over...heck, you haven't even killed all the Renno's!" This last comment is accompanied with a rain of arrows that quickly dispatches 7 scouts. "Take up your arms and finish the job. Then we must go assist our fellow CoCs. Now...find me Renno! I owe him some beer and women."

Neb trudges off through the castle with a pitcher of beer and 3 Mogettes trailing behind him.

Last Edited : Monday, 16 June 2008 - 12:55

Sage DoC
Joined 8/11/2002
Posts : 4070

Posted : Monday, 16 June 2008 - 11:34

We planned out the "We won, let's quit!" thing when the game first started, and we expected this game to go like all the others: with us getting crushed.

The joke was less funny because we weren't getting crushed.

Joined 23/05/2005
Posts : 1582

Posted : Monday, 16 June 2008 - 19:10

neb mog was right the war is over...so you can get out of my castle now!

Crazy Li
Joined 4/09/2007
Posts : 1058

Posted : Monday, 16 June 2008 - 22:23

well considering you're still getting crushed, Sage, maybe YOU should have made that announcement instead of Mog :p

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