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Duel Maps

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Golden Mountain
The Golden Mountain was once rumoured to be covered in unlimited riches. As two kingdoms have since found out, its resources are limited.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Requiem
Haven Island
As word spread of a newly found island, rich in resources, it was just a matter of time before discovery turned to confict.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Requiem
Outposts of the Empire
On the very edge of the Bronnian Empire lie two kingdoms who were once allies. After the wars, resources became scarce and so friends quickly turned to foes.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Coopels
The Spine of the World
Two fledgling kingdoms reside on opposite sides of the Spine mountain range. Both recently decided to expand, and scouting parties report ample resources among the mountains. The kingdoms are suprised to discover each other, and each is determined to claim the Spines resources for itself.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Biodus
The Mountain Maze
Two powerful kingdoms have unwittingly shared the land for years hidden behind the great mountain ranges. Recently scouts of both kingdoms discovered each other resulting in a bloody battle. With a new enemy discovered behind the mountains both kingdoms prepare for war.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Coopels
Remnants of the Past
Two kingdoms once fought here for domination of the open plains and lush forests of the land. In a final battle both kingdoms were utterly destroyed leaving behind only ruins. Now two new kingdoms have come claiming these lands only to find the remains of the old and a rival on the horizon.
Size : 50 x 50   Players : 2
Created by Coopels
Lotus Valley
Lotus Valley has been rumored to be an eden, filled with great resources. Two kingdoms have recently expanded into the valley, and found a beautiful landscape, with ample resources. Unfortunately, neither kingdom wants to share, and this wondrous terrain will soon be marked with the scars of war.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Biodus
The Storehouse
Deep in the wilderness and mountains lies a bandit's treasure fort.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Mog
The Fortress
The first walls were built to stop the hordes that would sweep down from the steps to plunder the Bronnian empire, but the barbarians were quick to learn and in time would mirror their rivals with their own fortress.
Size : 50 x 50   Players : 2
Created by BRAVO 872
The Swamp King
Only one prince will become king of the swamp. Rich in gold but treacherous to invade, the swamp is a place to win a fortune or lose an army!
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Mog
Lakes of Fire
Two burning lakes are held apart by a narrow isthmus and spanned by two rickety old bridges. It's a wealthy land, but dangerous, too!
Size : 50 x 50   Players : 2
Created by Lothar
Rivers of Blood
The riches, brought by the swift currents of the river, are abundant throughout these lands, but a word of caution should be given to any who seek to plunder these treasures. A deadly foe watches your every step for weakness, watching and waiting for a chance to make blood flow like water here once again.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Coopels
Death Valley
Are you sure you want to go down into that valley, Pardner? There's gold down there, but there's also... competition.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Lothar
Yin and Yang
The search for gold and resources will cost many lives in this land of treacherous mountains and swamps that is guarded by vicious barbarians.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 2
Created by Lothar

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