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Campaign Maps

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Seun Sarr
To the east of main capitol lies the fertile lands of Seun Sarr. Many have feared its mountainous terrain and forests, but whoever can lay claim to the lands will reap its many rewards.
12 Players
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 12
Created by Requiem
The Ten Kings
Ten Kings have long been at odds over who should rightfully rule the lands. After years of minor skirmishes, the time has come to find out.
10 Players
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 10
Created by Requiem
Island Mayhem
25 islands. 25 kingdoms. 1 winner.
25 Players
Size : 200 x 200   Players : 25
Created by Requiem
One of Six
Six kingdoms surrounded by wild barbarians wage war to determine who will rule the lands.
6 Players.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 6
Created by Requiem
Ancient Island
The Barbarians have long since been banished to the Western Islands and the Ten Kingdoms have equitably divided the available but scarce resources amongst themselves. Neighbor eyes neighbor suspiciously and hoarding has begun. The population swells and land is at a premium. A recent meeting of the Kings ended with no new agreements and a very tenuous peace.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 10
Created by Mog
The Dragon Lakes
Legend has it that twenty dragons came from out of the Three Lakes and fought with men. Where each dragon fell, a castle appeared. Now the Kingdoms are ready to decide who takes all!
Size : 200 x 200   Players : 20
Created by Mog
Megiddo Crater
Many years ago, a great civilization was wiped out by a cataclysmic meteor impact. The survivors called the resulting crater Megiddo Crater, and hastily erected meager defences around the crater. They believed that the forces of Hell itself were going to issue forth from the infernal impact site. The decendants of the survivors eventually formed into four new kingdoms. Superstition kept most from exploring the now-cooled crater for many years, but precious minerals were recently found in and around the crater. Man now destroys Man for minerals in the very pit that men once believed they would have to combat the spawn of Hell.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 4
Created by Biodus
Forgotten Paradise
This land was once the envy of all the lands, but as the centuries past the land was abandoned and became wild. Barbarians and strange creatures now roam this place where once there were lush gardens. Now ten valiant knights have come to restore the lands former beauty only to find unexpected rivals at their throat.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 10
Created by Coopels
Fortunes Favor
A small test of fate and perhaps even a little luck as four warriors make a beginning in a new land full of riches. Every path leads to some new treasure, but whether that path brings you to a glorious victory or a quick demise remains to be seen. Four warriors began this fight, but only one can be the true master of this land.
Size : 60 x 60   Players : 4
Created by Coopels
Forty Thieves
The forty thieves had to settle somewhere and this is the land they chose.
Size : 200 x 200   Players : 40
Created by Coopels
Viking Villages
Isolated valleys vie for victory in these Viking Villages.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 10
Created by vikingo
Sixteen Candles
A sixteen player map made by Coopels for a team game.
Size : 200 x 200   Players : 16
Created by Coopels
The Eye of the World
The eight kingdoms have always been peaceful under the watchful gaze of the world’s eye. The great eye cannot always see everything though, and when it blinks the kingdoms go to war.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 8
Created by Coopels
Sherwood Forest
In the olden days a hero roamed these woods with his merry men fighting the rich and giving to the poor. Now it is time to choose whether to follow that grand example and perhaps free the forests or to become another in a long line of despots over this land. The choice is yours to make, but choose wisely and always remember... be afraid of those who still yet dwell in the forest. Be very afraid.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 8
Created by Coopels
Swirls of Time
Six modern day people are transported back in time to a medieval world! They find they are Kings and Queens with actual castles and minions to do their bidding. Only one can go back to his or her own time by controlling all of the 6 parts of the time machine hidden in the castles. Will you make it back or be stranded in the past?
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 6
Created by Coopels
Crossroads of the World
Among these islands there are many paths to travel, yet none of the brave warriors know which way will bring them victory and which one will bring their demise. Tread softly in this place; it may be the last world you know.
Size : 200 x 200   Players : 25
Created by Coopels
Island Isolation
Isolated from the world these eight lords have become restless and desire more wealth. None can pass through the mountains and so they turn against one another to quench their cravings for gold.
Size : 200 x 200   Players : 8
Created by Coopels
This is Sherwood Forest but with goldmines in place of all resource buildings and all piles are gold. No barbarians. Best for clan campaigns.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 8
Created by Coopels and Mog
Four Brothers
A specially designed map with no resource buildings, only a lot of goldmines and gold piles and a ton of non-player barbarians. Lots of money to spend and tribute only coming from the castles themselves means a concentration on fighting and holding ground.
Size : 120 x 120   Players : 4
Created by Mog

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