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| W A R O N L I N E : T R A I N I N G G U I D E - P A G E 3
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Gaining Resources
You’ll see various buildings on the map. These are resource producing businesses that you can take over and then receive an income. Most actions in the games use resources in some amount or another. Buying new troops takes resources, researching most technologies does too.
This is one of the resource buildings next to your castle (Woodmill). Move a melee troop or commandeer next to it. Click on it and you will be presented the choices to destroy it or take it over. Click “Take Over”. Depending on which troop is taking it over, you may or may not be successful in only one turn. Keep repeating this until you own it. (Commandeers take-over faster than normal troops).
This works for any kind of resource building. If there are barbarians nearby you will have to wipe them out before you can take over a building.
Go back to your Game Window and click on Income. You’ll see that you now have an icome of wood from that building each turn.