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AuthorTopic : Version 2.12 Released
Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 03:13

well, you havent LOST any troops, unless you tried transferring the troops out and they disappeared.

armies larger than the new max will stay that size until killed or swapped out.

and yes, with 60% AP, you'd do 1 attack of 40% leaving 20% for movement, or waiting for regeneration.

unforutunately it did remove any level advancements made, so i may have to set them all back to lvl1...

Joined 22/10/2000
Posts : 3023

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 03:21

No my troops were at war with 40 in each army and now they are at 30.

Joined 8/11/2001
Posts : 62

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 03:25

All back to lv1...well, it's sad but I guess we have to take this quick solutation.
Just make sure only modify those been modify Dmix/Dmin but not all kinds of troops. Besides, you may also want to reset those troops (ranges and sq I believe) blood and max count to lv 1 in case someone use their lv up point on blood or max count but not Damage and can add lv up points again.

Thanks for your quick response and effort

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 03:31

well, all armies have had their MaxPop set back to the new value, regardless of level.

so how to determine which should be put back to lvl1? unknown.

its either all armies, or none go back to lvl1.
i'll see if there's anything else i can do

Joined 8/11/2001
Posts : 62

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 03:40

But the reason why back to lv 1 is because of the modify of damage which affect range attack troops and SQ only isn't it? So you may just move all range attack troops and SQ back to lv 1 with lv 1 ability of damage, blood, count. And left the rest troops (doggie, horses, pikes) as what they are now, isn't it?

Joined 8/11/2001
Posts : 62

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 03:44

If it has to be all or none, I took all since most my units are in high lv now and I add all my lv up points on damage...
But I still think just Arch, Arb and SQ should be enough.

Thanks & Regards

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 04:00

well, all troops had their MaxPop altered.
So players who upgraded that each level have lost it.
So essentially, all armies have been effected.

tis a shame, but i dont know of anyway to go back...

Joined 8/11/2001
Posts : 62

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 04:18

OK, than make all to lv 1 soon so we can launch our new attack and earn some exp sooner....
It took a lot doggies sacrify blood to reach lv 4....pity but new life go on.
Never forget backup DB when you modify things
I know the pain myself

One more Q, why doggie and archer -20 count when others only -10 ?

Thanks & Regards

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 04:40

well, dogs werent supposed to be 70 initially.
and archers should be the same as melee troops as they are the same type of character (human).

Joined 15/07/2001
Posts : 3923

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 04:49

so its not really a half-attack, but a partial attack, am i right?
40%ap means 40% damage, 90%ap means 90% damage.

Joined 15/07/2001
Posts : 3923

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 04:53

i meant to say:

if you have 50%ap, you spend 40%ap on the attack, and you cause damage for 40%ap.
if you have 95%ap and attack, you will attack with 90%ap and cause damage for 90%ap, right?
so there is no bonus anywhere for attacks with more ap%, right?

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 04:54

well, given that Attacks are no longer 100%, half attacks are no longer 50%.

so in a way it is a half attack...
and 90% is a full attack. the % numbers used are not really that important as its just a guide.

Joined 8/11/2001
Posts : 62

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 05:00

About when will the lv change be done?
I need to decide use my AP now and don't wast for over 100% or save them up and wait for lv reset and earn my exp than.


Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 05:28


Sorry to all folks who have since lost levels on their armies.

I've reset the troops to Lvl1, but with 90exp, so they should jump to LVL2 very quickly.

Joined 8/05/2001
Posts : 241

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 07:59

Man, it hurts to see the big guys (lvl 4, 5 and 6) just flop back down to 1. Kinda hurts some wars for people that had high lvls and were fighting low levels, now they are all even.

Joined 7/11/2001
Posts : 476

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 09:33

Yeah, I know the feeling. I've been targetting my enemies high level troops, and had my own troops up to levels 3-5 against him, while he only had level 1 and 2 troops left, but still the numerical advantage. Oh well. One thing that we have to remember is that we are BETA testers. Yes, this change hurt a lot of people who were in battles, but that is the price we pay for getting to play the game! We are supposed to be helping Req make a great game here. I think he has been doing a great job so far.

Ok, now for my little recommendations. While I can understand wanting to change the amount of time people have to be on the game in order to play it, I think the 40%/90% thing is a little too high. I believe 25%/75% would be a better level. That way you can use up all of your action points attacking if you want, and you have a little more flexibility in your troop actions. Last night I had to throw away 1/3 of a cycle on skirmish 1, because I could not stay awake for another hour, my "full attack" wasn't, and I didn't want to try to get up after 4 hours sleep - it is tough enough with only 6 hours!

Secondly, while the take over percentage had to drop, I think 5% an hour is way too much. I think it would be better suited to 10% a cycle. That way it is still possible to take over buildings, but if the defender beats you away they will reclaim the building fairly quickly.

Joined 7/11/2001
Posts : 476

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 15:33

Ok, this is getting frustrating. I going to once again lose 30% action points on a lot of my troops because I have to be away from the computer for 6 hours. Normally I would just have them attack at their reduced efficiency and be done with it, but with this new system I can't. I'm regularly going to be wasting 1/2 a cycle to a full cycle a day. Please lower the minimum to attack some and give us an option to do an all out attack and spend all of our action points so we can use up all of our points if we are at say 60%. Please?

Joined 19/11/2001
Posts : 5842

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 18:52

Ok, my out-flank manoeuver has now been utterly wasted, the suires doing it have been chooped in level and damage ability, and the archers they were to massacre CAN'T be wiped wiped out in a couple of slick moves any more. So blew that fine piece of tactical expetise. It wouldn't be so bad, but I didn't even get warned about it - in fact, it was arslan who told me, otherwise I probably wouldn't have even noticed it. I know you want to get stuff out and tested quick Req, but next time could we PLEASE have some warning before you do it - like about 24/48 hours warning? I wouldn't have wasted my squires if I knew things were going to change so much, and I don't want to see anything like it happen to me or anyone else again, if possible...

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 19:29

but skirmish games ARE 6hr/cycle games...
so being away for 6hrs is perfect timing.

if you cant log in at least once every 6hrs, then you shouldnt be playing Skirmish.

thats the whole point of the Cycle/Day formula.
however many cycles in a day, is how many times you should need to log in a day. And those that log in alot more should not get an advantage. Those that dont will always be at a disadvantage no matter what.

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Wednesday, 16 January 2002 - 19:38

Yea, sorry CTD, but changes had to be made.
It was obvious archers were weak, and Squires far too strong. I need things balanced before I can continue with some other things.

Some things need to be changed, and I cant afford to sit around doing nothing for 2 days while everyone considers whether their current tactics will be effected.

Altho squires are weaker, they are still the best option against archers, so now only the numbers are the issue. Its not a HUGE game altering change though.

And dont forget, if your Squires have lost troops (and some games this did happen) then his Archers have ALSO lost troops.

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