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AuthorTopic : Multies NOT Welcome (closed)
Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Thursday, 13 June 2002 - 22:47

Multies ARE NOT welcome here.

Any player found using multiple accounts will be warned of the offence.

Any player found using multiple accounts in the SAME game will simply have ALL accounts deleted.

The warnings are there at account creation, so everyone has already been warned.

Last Edited : Thursday, 13 June 2002 - 22:59

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Thursday, 13 June 2002 - 22:49

further to this, thanks to all the multies, after the release of this new version I will have to spend most of my time upgrading the security and tracking.

so instead of working on Clan Games, or Personal Games, or the Undead Class, or even just general improvements, I will have waste time protecting the game from multies.

lets all thank the multies for wasting my time.

Joined 19/07/2001
Posts : 2307

Posted : Monday, 17 June 2002 - 18:22

looks like you are really angry. but lets look at the things from a distance:

1. are multies dangerous? no, i dont think so. every skilled player wont multy in the same game. all those non-skilled-n00b-multies arent much more than an improvement for aur rankings. they come, they shout, they die...

2. is there really an advantage if a non-skilled-n00b-multi plays 2 or 3 characters in the same game? no. well, he might have the power of 2 or 3 people but hes still a non-skilled-n00b-multi. (he wont be able to fight like 2 or 3 rogues or redmikes )

3. i think those multies dont play this game for long.

SO, PLEASE REQ! DON'T GIVE A ++++ bout those multies. they souldnt be allowed to dictate updates!

Joined 15/10/2001
Posts : 3716

Posted : Monday, 17 June 2002 - 20:37

So Pin you say it is ok to Multi if youre are not a good player? Or if you don't play in the same games as your other account? I dont think we should have multis at all. Nobody, even if not in same game. This is what the rules say:

Multies ARE NOT welcome here.

Any player found using multiple accounts will be warned of the offence.

Any player found using multiple accounts in the SAME game will simply have ALL accounts deleted.

Translate: If you have more than 1 account - GO AWAY!!!

Any player found using multiple accounts will be warned of the offence.

That probably is not clear enough. The way I take it is why be warned if it is not wrong? What it means,IMO, is, that if you are caught using more than 1 account, you are going to being warned to stop using more than 1 account. The rest of the statement is obvious.

What is the point in warning somebody if it is ok to do it. Somehow, someone has convinced everybody that it is ok to be a multi if you dont play the same game. I dont think that is what Req means. Why limit the number of games a person can play in if you can just make a multi and play in another game? What is the point?

Pinafore, you and other prominent, experienced, vetern players of this game should be trying to discourage such behavior instead of trying to talk Req into making it a no big deal. I don't understand why you are trying to downgrade this problem.

Joined 14/07/2001
Posts : 549

Posted : Monday, 17 June 2002 - 23:16

bigs..here here..not even morb could have put it more better

Joined 19/09/2000
Posts : 1877

Posted : Monday, 17 June 2002 - 23:18

I think what pinafore was getting at was that multies are not a big enough problem for Requiem to waste his time tracking and banning them, yet. I'd rather see improvements/new features in the game than a complete crackdown on multies.
And that does NOT mean in any way that I'm encouraging multi-account use. Multies are a problem, they just shouldn't be a distraction at this point IMO.

Joined 14/07/2001
Posts : 549

Posted : Monday, 17 June 2002 - 23:37

yo vipes ...more hear hears

Joined 11/07/2001
Posts : 3513

Posted : Tuesday, 18 June 2002 - 04:56

Think of the big picture guys...

The main problem WOL faces is bandwidth vs costs...WOL's host is having trouble getting server-payments together.

What do multi's do? They eat bandwidth while not clicking the extra banners for it.

And even if multis arent skilled...they usually pick on equally skilled fair-playing noobs, whom they beat because they have twice the resources.

Joined 19/07/2001
Posts : 2307

Posted : Tuesday, 18 June 2002 - 06:47

ok. first thx to boe!

now... what can we do against them? NOTHING.

- IP tracking?: LOL! great joke.
- no free email accepted: not feasible.

another idea? no? there arent those great solutions against milties. either you have to put em on ignore or you have to bow to em!

and yes, they eat bandwidth but this is a secondary problem IMHO. if we try to eliminate all multies, youll see that theyll have a lot of more pleasure to cheat and multi!!!

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Tuesday, 18 June 2002 - 06:49

well, you cant stop them, but you can minimise them.
thats what i'm talking about.

i'd rather have fewer multies than multiesonline.net

Joined 15/07/2001
Posts : 3923

Posted : Tuesday, 18 June 2002 - 09:16

exactly. and id say we should not talk openly about problems in tracking them, since this gives the technically less specialised multies all kindsa unfortunate hints IMHO.

so lets stop encouraging them by telling them what can be tracked and what probably cannot.

just my 2 cents.

Requiem [R]
Joined 3/02/2000
Posts : 4882

Posted : Tuesday, 18 June 2002 - 10:18

closing topic.

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