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Forum : Clan Discussions
AuthorTopic : NEW CLAN!!! FFA (closed)
Joined 30/05/2008
Posts : 421

Posted : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 03:25

Alright, I first want to apologize to the guys in AoW. It was fun and I didn't have a single bad experience.

Next, AoW was supposed to be for getting new players up and going... Li is never on to accept people into the clan and when she is on she wants info on the new players instead of accepting them. There is only 3 active members left in AoW; Pict, Lothar and myself(none of which i think need tutelage). Therefore I wanted to get another clan started so that i can have a "clan" experience and have a mission that i feel i can actively pursue.

I don't know if pict is interested in leaving AoW at all and am not sure if Lothar is down with my idea for this particular mission within the new clan.

FFA, Fabled Fallen Angels. The fabled fallen angels are going to bring free for all back to the FFA games.

We are the fallen angels, angels that will honor their words. Angels that have fallen from heaven riding on the backs of their mischievous plots and arguable diplomacy. The fallen angels despise and have writ from their vocabulary the term that the still winged angels use when referring to losing, being double teamed, or just having a bad day. I will not give credit to this term here by mentioning its given name.

This game is lacking the deep necessity for diplomacy that is present in any multiplayer war game. It too lacks clan rivalry. There is half hearted taunts, jokes and wisecracks interchanged by players of different clans but no one clan is out for another. There are clans that will not agree with our style of play in the least. There are clans that will try to sabotage our mission. I say bring it. You will only further show the necessity that this clan will play in this community. You may beat us in a battle but the war will be ours.

I don't intend on letting anyone join the clan that has a camp score of less than 100 and hasn't been active for at least two weeks. You are more than welcome to apply before those two requisites are met but will not be accepted until then. If you have any questions... ask away

Last Edited : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 04:26

Joined 30/05/2008
Posts : 421

Posted : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 04:06

Having trouble getting the clan made. It should be up tomorrow, hopefully.

Would like to point out;

Soljah [Lifetime Member]
Joined 1/7/2006
Posts : 746
Posted : Sunday, March 04, 2007 - 14:51

its not illegal but if word gets ouit, many people will just rush and attack you because you area a bad player, i hate gangbanging but have survived it many times. u can gangbang but make sure you have the gawls to stand up to a gangbang yourself ^_^
klyph FFA [Silver Member]
Joined 5/30/2008
Posts : 333
Posted : Saturday, June 20, 2009 - 21:52 edit

only bringing this up to show, 2004 same griping about gangbanging, five years later and players still want to downplay gangbanging even though its inevitability shows up on the battlefield. USE it, let players gangbang you, turtle up and have your allies attack them from the rear. develop some kind of strategy, trick them into fighting each other over splitting your resources. We can find so many better ways to deal with gangbangers then LOSING to them.

... that thread was started in 2004 and in 2007 soljah posted this, 2009 was when i posted.

Last Edited : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 05:19

Joined 2/08/2009
Posts : 433

Posted : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 07:06

I agree with Klyph that the AoW clan seems to pretty much be inactive. My experience with Klyph and Pict has been great but I never even got a chance to play or talk to the other members. Anyway, I'm not sure I'm ready to jump into another clan right away, but will be considering my options carefully. I like to fight with honor and integrity and treat other players with respect and kindness. I may even create my own new clan, something like Knights of Honor, or The Nice Guys. LOL

Joined 9/01/2008
Posts : 320

Posted : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 07:53

guys, put yourself togheter(does not matter the name of the clan). all 3 of us are reliable players, very hard to find those kind of players. Choose 1-2 new members(there are a few very good players) and start a clan war...that will consolidate your clan .

Joined 29/11/2008
Posts : 1072

Posted : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 11:24

good luck klyph...most folks with over a 100 rating who play frequently...are already in a clan...

i strongly feel it doesn't always matter how good you are...but more importantly how well you communicate (and cooperate)with the skilled members within your clan...

Joined 30/05/2008
Posts : 421

Posted : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 20:49

well, i have sent out almost a dozen invitations. Most seem interested in being in a clan but shy away from the idea of FFA. I don't remember the password to AoW and can't get anyone else to join because when Li gets on she wants background checks and a mutual agreement from the clan. Tit and herself aren't on so thats impossible and... well, FFA!

Join up!

Laur, while i agree with you (I would have rather just recruited people) I want to play now and I am sure that there will be clan games where a clan is down a player and needs someone to help out. If this FFA thing bombs i might end up joining a clan that has active members now.

Last Edited : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 21:15

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