Requiem [R]Joined 3/02/2000 Posts : 4882
| Posted : Thursday, 8 October 2009 - 07:46 Members now have the option to select Campaign, Team, or Clan rules when creating a new Campaign.
The Team/Clan rules mean team/clan mates can move through each other troops, and use their Towers/Outposts. It also clearly shows who is on which team/clan in the map.
Clan games use the Clan of each player who joins the game. There is no limit to how many clans join so you will have to manage who joins yourself.
Team games are Red vs Blue games where players are randomly assigned one of the teams.
I've also now added a Red vs Blue Proving Grounds game called "Team Trial", under the Training menu. This is an ongoing Red vs Blue campaign game.
laur Joined 9/01/2008 Posts : 320
| Posted : Thursday, 8 October 2009 - 12:37 that's my mvp change now I think it's time to start a new "last clan battle" Last Edited : Thursday, 8 October 2009 - 13:54 | Requiem [R]Joined 3/02/2000 Posts : 4882
| Posted : Tuesday, 13 October 2009 - 16:02 Team Trial game is now 1 turn per day | | laur Joined 9/01/2008 Posts : 320
| Posted : Wednesday, 14 October 2009 - 04:53 question , - is there any posibilty to peek the team when you join a clan game(I supose it is, I did not see it yet) - is there any posibility to have more than 2 teams?
and another thing that maay deserve a debate: A player should see everything that can be seen by his team mates? | | Requiem [R]Joined 3/02/2000 Posts : 4882
| Posted : Wednesday, 14 October 2009 - 06:13 peek the team? not sure what this means.
you can have more than 2 teams in the constructed Clan campaigns. Just make sure that even numbers for each clan join the game.
I was going to allow players to see all clanmates kingdoms as well, but can you imagine how much data that would be for the larger games, especially the TeamTrial game? It would be huge, and not just for you to download (bandwidth), but also for your PC (flash engine might not cope so well with so many objects) | | laur Joined 9/01/2008 Posts : 320
| Posted : Wednesday, 14 October 2009 - 08:27 I meant pick, just mismatched the word. dono if TeamTrial will be heavily used... | | Heat Joined 16/10/2007 Posts : 690
| Posted : Wednesday, 14 October 2009 - 14:42 I don't think shared LOS will fit in with the theme here, we don't have radios on our macemen We still want to have a reason to actually comunicate with our team mates.... |
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